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Providing a Customized, Streamlined Solution to Vegetation Management

VM OptiX allows users to account for inventory movement, map locations of treated areas, record application information electronically and report on all facets of a vegetation management program. Businesses can streamline reporting, simplify communication and increase productivity with VM OptiX.


Scope of work completed over time relative to expense.


Safety through mandatory safety briefs.


Reporting with advanced filter options and email delivery.


Assign work based on scope of responsibility and intended personnel for completion of the work.


Assign work based on scope of responsibility and intended personnel for completion of the work.


Create user specific custom dashboards to summarize data collected and work completed.


Customize forms to capture all pertinent information for safety, mowing, spraying, notification and inventory.


Differentiate work with custom colors and symbology.

VM Optix works for your market.

Range & Pasture

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Let's Get Started

Unbelievable features with reliability.

Let’s talk.

Track work, using:

  • Distance displayed in feet and miles, area displayed in sq ft and acres.
  • Pre-loaded GIS data.
  • Recorded points, lines, polygons using a draw feature or start/stop function.
  • Geo-Fence ensures on-site form completion and real-time accuracy of work completed.
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The Orion Companies is driven to build capabilities that foster innovative solutions for our industry partners and customers.

1035 Franklin St., Suite 207
Rocky Mount, VA 24151

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